Students are encouraged to take a medical leave, to pause academics, to engage in treatment and other forms of support to address their health concerns. Different life stressors can have a significant impact on activities of daily living, which then tend to effect things like academics, concentration, sleep, mood, and diet. When students find themselves struggling in these ways, it might be that prioritizing your health and well-being is most important.
Many students engage in intensive forms of medical or mental health treatment that would not be possible to do as a full-time student.
WashU Cares does not grant reduced course load for students.
Standard leaves of absence are managed through the advising offices and/or graduate programs. This type of leave is for students who want to take non-medical, planned time away from the university. Examples inlcude travel, completing a full-time internship, taking care of a family member, or serving in the military.
Students can request a medical leave of absence for the current semester through the last day of classes by 5 p.m., as noted on the Academic Calendar. Requests for medical leaves cannot be processed after the last day of classes for the current semester.
Yes! You must contact your OISS advisor.
Parents are unable to complete the process for the student unless they are incapacitated (deemed so by a court of law), otherwise the student must sign the forms.
- The university does not limit the time a student can be away to engage in treatment. Schools, graduate, and professional programs have different timelines that are the student’s responsibility to understand.
- Reinstatement from medical leave generally occurs when a student can demonstrate that they are well enough to be an engaged and successful student. Students cannot return in the same semester of when you depart. The goal is that there is time enough for the recommended treatment or care to take place.
- A Case Manager will discuss your individual circumstances with you and a timeline that makes sense for your return.
While on MLOA you are required to participate in treatment for the health issue(s) that necessitated your leave.
While not required, some students choose to volunteer, take classes outside the university, or work a part-time job. Structure can be helpful for many students on medical leave; while your priority should be your health, these activities are recognized as contributory factors in a student’s readiness to return to WashU.
Options for mental health:
For physical health: If you have insurance, contact your health insurer’s website or call the customer service number on the back of your insurance card. If you are uninsured, or need additional assistance our case managers can help.
Students are not eligible for student financial aid while on MLOA; likewise, any type of leave of absence does not impact a student’s future eligibility for financial aid. Each student’s financial aid package is unique. It is recommended that each student speaks to their Student Financial Services (SFS) counselor directly as a part of exploring a medical leave.
No, you will not be able to register for any classes at WashU including in the School of Continuing & Professional Studies until you have been fully reinstated to the university.
- A student’s transcript will note the leave type: “leave of absence” or “medical leave of absence;” but does not indicate any reason for the leave.
- Student will also have W’s on their transcript for leaves that begin after the deadline to drop courses for a semester.
- It depends. Sometimes students can take a medical leave and still graduate at their planned graduation date. Other times, graduation dates are pushed back by the length of time of the leave.
- Please contact your advisor to discuss your remaining courses required for graduation.
- For students in majors that are heavily sequenced, where courses may only be offered in one semester each year, it may be worthwhile to consider a leave for a full academic year rather than a semester.
If you live in Quadrangle housing, please contact Sandi Lamanna to discuss leasing terms.
If you live in non-affiliated off-campus housing, you should work with your landlord to discuss leasing terms. The University has no authority over your lease.
Students on leave can and should apply for housing along with the regular renewal process. This means they can apply with their friends. Waiting for reinstatement places them at a disadvantage. However, if they do not return the open space will likely be filled.
No, students cannot translate their own documents. All documentation must be submitted in English by your provider or a professional translation service, ONLY.
It depends. Applications are only reviewed when all materials have been submitted. We encourage you to remain in communication with your provider to confirm they have completed and submitted all necessary documentation.