Physical indicators

Deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene
Excessive fatigue or repeatedly falling asleep in class
Dramatic change in energy level, in either direction
Noticeable changes in weight or visible bingeing and purging
Noticeable physical injuries (cuts, bruises, burns, etc.)
Disorganized, slurred or rapid speech; confusion
Shakiness, tremors, fidgeting or pacing
Frequent or chronic illness
Chronic substance abuse

Academic & student employment indicators

Repeated absences from class or campus employment
Repeated missed assignments, exams or appointments
Significant deterioration in the quality or quantity of work
Extreme disorganization or erratic performance
Patterns of extreme perfectionism or anxiety
Preoccupation with violence, death, isolation, despair or depression in written or artistic work
Continual seeking of special provisions
Sending frequent, lengthy, “ranting” or threatening emails to instructor

Behavioral indicators

Direct statements indicating distress, despair, family problems or loss
Angry or hostile outbursts, yelling or threatening comments
More withdrawn or animated than usual
Expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness; crying or tearfulness
Expressions of severe anxiety or irritability
Isolating self in residence hall room or apartment
Excessively demanding or dependent behavior

How to help

Quick access steps

The student poses an imminent risk to themselves or others; the student’s behavior is threatening, dangerous or reckless.Call WashU Police: 314-935-5555 or off campus, call 911
The student is distressed, but you are uncertain of how serious it is; the student’s behavior has left you concerned or uneasy.File a Care Report, consult with WashU Cares or Health Services

For School of Medicine students, contact WUSM Health Services or Dr. Karen Winters
The student is having significant academic or personal issues and could use additional support, but you are not concerned for the student’s immediate well-being.Refer to the appropriate campus resource

To report a concern about an employee, contact Human Resources.

Decision tree for assessment and action

Step 1: Determine if the situation is an emergency

A situation is an emergency if the student:

Poses physical or verbal threats directed at self, others or property
Is disconnected from reality or exhibiting psychosis
Displays unmitigated disruptive behavior
Physical emergency
  • Campus Police: 314-935-5555
    Or pick up a blue light emergency phone
  • Off campus: 911
Mental health emergency
  • Campus Police: 314-935-5555
    Or pick up a blue light emergency phone
  • Off campus: 9-8-8

Step 2: If the situation is not an emergency, CONSULT

Consult with one or more of the resources listed here including:

Email WashU Cares
Health Services
If you are faculty: your faculty chair or the administrator in your school who works with student issues 
If you are staff: your supervisor
If you are a student: Your RA or other trusted adviser


If you feel safe meeting with the student, express your concern and inquire about their well-being. You are not acting as a therapist or counselor. Your role is to listen, support and ask pertinent questions.

Express concern in a nonjudgmental way

Example: “I’m worried, because you’ve seemed really down lately.”.
Listen attentively to the student’s response

Maintain eye contact and pay attention to the student’s nonverbal communication
If you are concerned that a student is suicidal, ask direct questions

Example: “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”
Avoid trying to “fix” the student’s problems or brainstorming solutions

Instead, when you respond, try to reflect back what you hear the student saying

Example: “It sounds like you’re feeling really overwhelmed right now.”

Step 4: REFER

Identify an appropriate resource and explain the limitations of your knowledge and experience

Be clear that your referral does not mean that you think something is “wrong” with the student or that you are not interested in them.

Step 5: REPORT

Complete a Care Report. Documenting your concern in a timely manner can help with early intervention. 

WashU Cares staff may reach out to you for follow-up.
Please know that WashU Cares makes every effort to protect students’ privacy, so we are often unable to provide detailed information about how the situation was resolved.