Medical Leaves of Absence (MLOA) are granted and regarded as approved interruptions of a student’s program. The university recognizes that medical and mental health conditions can interfere with your academic success and personal safety.
Taking a MLOA provides a break from studies to attend evidenced- based treatment and management of a health condition. The University’s goal is to enable students to address their health needs and return to complete their academic program. Any student can request a MLOA.
Before requesting a MLOA
Before you submit a formal request, it is important that you have all the relevant information regarding your options and their implications in order to help you make an informed decision. Depending on your situation, we encourage consulting with one of more of the following offices:
Disability Resources | Discuss reasonable accommodations that may enable you to complete academic coursework and remain on campus rather than taking a medical leave of absence. |
Current health care providers (on campus or in the community) | Seek guidance regarding your current functioning and recommended treatment. |
Your academic and/or program advisor | Find out how this decision can impact your academic standing and progression. |
Student Financial Services | Learn how a leave may impact your financial situation. |
Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) | If you are an international student, discuss how a leave will impact your immigration status |
Your home department | If you are a graduate student, understand the implications a leave might have on your benefits and funding support |
Once you have determined that you would like to request a medical leave of absence, please schedule an appointment with the Leave Case Manager.
MLOA supportive resource checklist
Schedule periodic meetings with Leave Case Manager | |
Meet regularly with your provider(s) to address well-being | |
Check in with your academic school to plan for return | |
Re-apply for FAFSA/CSS profile if applicable | |
Meet with Financial Aid advisor with questions | |
Secure on/off campus housing if applicable | |
Communicate with campus housing if needed | |
If you are an international student, ensure visa is up to date | |
Contact Disability Resources |
MLOA information and procedures
Voluntary Leave of Absence
Temporary separation from the university requested by a student who intends to return to academic pursuits.
Taking a Medical Leave of Absence
Key information to know about process and implications before submitting a MLOA request.
Access to University Services while on MLOA
Restrictions on taking courses, residing in university housing, participating in student groups and more.
MLOA Denial & Appeals Process
Information about appeal to your school if request to return from MLOA is denied.
Returning from MLOA
Forms plus steps for returning from MLOA. Includes questions and ideas to consider.