Involuntary leave is intended to provide the student time away from campus to address the needs that impair the student’s ability to function safely and successfully at WashU.

The university has established this Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy (“Policy”) for the purposes of:

  • Maintaining a campus environment that supports student success
  • Furthering academic achievement
  • Respecting the rights and privileges of all members of the campus community. 

Covered behavior

The dean of students, in consultation with the care and consultation team and other university personnel as appropriate, may initiate a risk assessment and safety intervention when presented with credible information that a student has crossed one or more of the following behavioral thresholds (“Covered Behavior”):

  • The student has engaged or threatened to engage in behavior that poses a significant risk to the health safety of one or more individuals, or to the community as a whole; or
  • The student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations and poses a significant risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations; or
  • The student has engaged or threatened to engage in behavior that poses a significant disruption to the programs, services, or activities of the university (“University operations”). 


1. A “significant risk” as used in this Policy exists when there is a high probability of substantial harm and not just slightly increased, speculative, or remote risk.

2. Meetings under this Policy may be in-person or through alternate communication methods such as telephone or video conferencing.

Policy history

This Policy was effective August 2023.