Classes, housing and student organizations

While on MLOA, students are not allowed to:

  • Take university courses
  • Reside in university-owned student housing (including fraternity and sorority life housing and off-campus apartments)
    • If you are living on campus and you request an MLOA to begin during a current semester, you will need to move out of the residence hall 
    • Students should plan to depart their living space within 72 hours of ResLife notification. If extra time is needed the student email Residential Life Housing Operations
    • Participate in student organizations, programs, clubs, and activities. 

Students on leave

Are not registered with the university:

  • Your WashU ID card will be deactivated
  • No swipe access will be available to residence halls, dining facilities, recreation/fitness/athletic facilities or academic buildings


Your WashU email address will remain active while on MLOA. All communication from WashU  will continue to be delivered to this inbox. If you have an alternate email that you would like to use in addition to your WashU email, please inform the Leave Case Manager, your advisor and/or program director.

Employment on campus

While on leave, you will not be eligible to apply for jobs posted through student employment or continue to work in positions designated as student employment. If you are employed at WashU prior to taking a leave, it is important that you notify your supervisor of your plans.

Sumers Recreation Center and the Athletic complex

While on MLOA, you will not have access to fitness centers and athletic facilities on campus.

Health care and insurance plan

A student considering a MLOA should consult with Habif Health and Wellness Center regarding their health insurance eligibility under the Washington University Student Health Insurance Plan (the Plan). Students who are not covered by the Plan during their MLOA should seek other insurance coverage.

Remaining on the the Plan

Students granted a MLOA remain on the Plan if enrolled in the insurance plan for at least thirty- one calendar days before requesting a MLOA. 

  • If eligible, students will remain on the Plan for the current plan year (August 1-July 31)
  • After that, students qualify for the continuation plan offered by United Health Student Resources and must actively enroll in this plan within 30 days of the termination date (July 31)
  • Continuation plan enrollment is available to purchase directly through United Healthcare on a student’s MyAccount

While on HMLOA the referral requirement for care is lifted and students can obtain any care needed outside of Habif and CCPS without a referral. 

  • During the semester that a MLOA is taken, staff at Habif and CCPS will work with the student to transition care to an outside agency
  • Once the current semester ends, students are no longer eligible to use Habif or CCPS
  • Exceptions may be made for short term bridging of care while outside care is being established

If a student does not meet 31-day
Plan enrollment

If enrolled in the Plan the previous year, students can purchase the continuation plan.

Transfer credit

Students are welcome to take classes at institutions other than Wash U. while on an MLOA. If you want to transfer academic credit back to Wash U., speak to your college registrar prior to enrolling in courses for assistance with the credit transfer process. Be sure to ask the following questions:

  • Will WU accept transfer credit from the institution and for the particular course?
  • How many transfer credits will you earn for the course?
  • What degree requirements, if any, will the course fulfill?

Students with loans

When you are on MLOA, student loans allow a six-month grace period before repayment is due to begin. Contact your Student Financial Services representative or see the Financial Aid website for more information.